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CONFESQ is the Spanish National Coalition of Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Sensitivity. We are a non-profit association established in 2004, in which various national entities, regional federations and associations are registered and form part of CONFESQ. We represent more than 50 organizations.
Our aim is to defend the patients’ rights and interests as well as their relatives. Our commitment goes beyond national boundaries, being our goal to be present before society, institutions, and any relevant administrations, integrating and promoting the actions of the entities it represents and those that pursue the same purposes.
Currently, we are members of some national and international entities:
  • Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (COCEMFE): Grupo de Trabajo (G.T.) de Salud, G.T. de Discapacidad y G.T. de IRPF.
  • Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes (POP).
  • Sociedad Española de Fibromialgia y Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica (SEFIFAC).
  • Pain Alliance Europe (PAE).
  • European Network of Fibromyalgia Associates (ENFA).
  • Pain Mediterranean Coalition (PEC).
  • European ME Alliance (EMEA).
Moreover, we work in a daily basis on awareness- raising projects and initiatives whose only aim is to improve and enhance patients’ quality of life.
Some projects to highlight are:
  • Assistance to people with educational needs: such as the Personal Income Tax (PIT) subsidy project in 2017 which consisted in the creation and implementation of an educational protocol for children, teenagers and young people affected by these four diseases.
  • Awareness-raising Campaigns:
– Fundación ONCE subsidy project 2017: “You do not see it, but we suffer”.

– Fundación ONCE subsidy project 2018: Training sessions on these four diseases.
– Project “UNREST”. Movie forum throughout Spain at universities, institutions… The different screenings were followed by a colloquium and several debates with the only aim was to raise awareness and inform about ME/CFS.
– #NoAlaGuíaINSS, a patients empowerment project in which we provided additional research and investigation to stop a national social security guide regarding fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), multiple chemical sensitivity and electromagnetic sensitivity in which we could find outdated and detrimental statements about the 4 diseases. That is why we prepared a position letter among other things in which we requested the withdrawal of the guide.
– Strengthening the Associative Movement by incorporating new entities that contribute the development of new associative projects. We support them by providing them our resources for political, health and social demands.
Chairwoman: María López Matallana. SFC-SQM Madrid- [email protected]
Secretary: Anabel Tenorio. AMASC Mallorca – [email protected]
Treasurer: José Hurtado- [email protected]
Chairperson: Isabel Calvo. SFC-SQM Comunidad Valenciana- [email protected]
Chairperson: Pilar Fernández. FFISCYL
Comunication Management Coordinator: Irati Herrera Ros- [email protected]
Advocating alone is tough. But there’s power in numbers”. Union means strength, and we believe that leaving aside our differences will make our voices heard more loudly, clearly, and firmly.
For that, it is necessary to have an influence in policy and decision-making processes. We believe in joint cooperation programs with patients, families, professionals, political leaders, public and private entities and society in general; in order to promote training, awareness and collection of information. To improve patients’ quality of life we consider essential to promote the importance and need for more research with greater support from public administrations as well as from international research agencies to back any research and development plans.
To continue working in the improvement of patients’ quality of life, we dedicate our time in awareness-raising projects, promotion of information and investigation projects. For us, the development of scientific publications and studies as well as the improvement of the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Sensitivity are fundamental.
We believe that growth is very important to meet even greater goals.
We are counting on you!